Androstenedione concentrations may be used for the following:
– Evaluation of adrenal gland function
– To differentiate androgen-secreting conditions caused by the adrenal glands, versus those caused by the ovaries or testicles if the results of DHEAS and testosterone testing are abnormal. (Emphasis added).
– Aid in diagnosis of adrenal cortex tumors versus tumors of the testes or ovaries
– Along with testing for testosterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone, this test aids in the diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and monitor its treatment.
– Aid in diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) as cause for infertility, amenorrhea, hirsutism (along with abnormal results for DHEAS, testosterone, FSH, LH, prolactin and estrogen).
– Investigate causes of virilization in girls, precocious puberty in boys.
– Determine cause of delayed puberty/suspected ovarian/testicular failures.
Levels of the hormone may be normal or elevated in cases where tumors are present (depending upon which hormones the tumor is secreting).
In PCOS, the level may be elevated or normal and other hormone values must be considered before a diagnosis (see: testosterone).
Elevated levels of this hormone indicate increased adrenal, ovarian or testicular production, and may indicate: adrenal tumor, adrenal cancer, adrenal hyperplasia, congenital adrenal hyperplasia but further testing is needed for a diagnosis.
