1-Touch Diagnostic

1-Touch = TM

1-Touch moves beyond managing medication to monitoring the effects of chronic pain and how the therapies impact the endocrine system to improve the quality of life for the patient. 

1-Touch Toxicology
Scientist doing1-Touch Toxicology in lab

What's The Benefits

This game changing technology allows a doctor to monitor the serum drug concentrations and key endocrine markers to understand chronic pain and make adjustment to therapies to improve outcomes. This novel technology utilizes a dried blood spot to simultaneously quantify 68 different drugs and 6 different hormones from a dried blood spot.

TM2 (Therapeutic Medication Monitoring)

  1. Easy sample collection (no restroom or prep area needed)
  2. Achieves venous blood draw results from a dried blood spot
  3. 0.03 mL capillary blood (similar to a glucose measurement) for all quantitative assays
  4. Eliminates the possibility of adulteration to improve medication compliance
  5. Low cutoffs combined with drug metabolites allow longer detection window
  6. 24-36 hour Turnaround Time from sample received
  7. Clinicore is an in-network laboratory & 1-touch is covered by all major insurance companies
  8. Endocrine markers available to understand a patient’s pain level & response to opiates


1-Touch Toxicology finger pointing up


  1. 60+ analytes quantitated covering 22 classes of drugs
  2. Metabolites & low detection limits create larger window of detection
  3. Pain Management, psychiatry, suboxone, Primary care
  4. Serum Concentration allow for measurement of effectiveness for specific medications
In Network With

Full-Service Laboratory

What Is Small Volume Blood (SVB)

SVB for our testing platform is defined as any collection that is less than 0.5 mL of whole blood. CliniCore is a highly complex clinical laboratory that has developed a proprietary LCMS methodology for Small Volume Blood (SVB) toxicology and hormone testing.

Molecular Based Infectious Disease Testing

Utilizing real time PCR with non-invasive testing can determine infection type and if the bacteria has any antibiotic resistance allowing doctors to treat right the first time without over prescribing antibiotics.


Diagnostic Testing

Clinicore is a full service in-network CLIA compliant clinical lab. We offer comprehensive venous puncture and SVB blood diagnostics, molecular-based infectious disease testing, and COVID-19 diagnostic testing with rapid turnaround times with patient-friendly billing practices.


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